FishMarket 1.0
FishMarket v1.0.iso
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Assembly Source File
450 lines
* TD
* By Preben Nielsen
* Based on 'TrackDisplay' on Fish-disk 399 by Olaf Barthel.
* TD is a program that continuously monitors and displays
* the current track for each connected floppy disk.
* The size of the window and the use of colors in it depends on
* the version of the Kickstart/Workbench (1.2/1.3 vs. 2.?).
* NOTE: There's no need to 'RUN' or 'RUNBACK' this program from the
* CLI. It is auto-detaching.
* Made with Hisoft V2.12
* January: Recieved 'Trackdisplay' on Fish-disk 399.
* Nice program Olaf. Thanks.
* V1.0 03-Mar-91: First working version.
* 04-Mar-91: Added auto-detaching code.
* 07-Mar-91: Uses 'PrintIText' instead of 'Move'/'Text'. Because of
* this, my version used nearly twice the amount of
* processor-time as the original (according to Xoper).
* 15-Mar-91: Now uses 'Move'/'Text'. Code is now larger but faster.
* 19-Apr-91: Made some modifications to make it look better
* under WB2.0 (haven't actually tried it yet)
* V1.1 02-Aug-91: Damned - why didn't anyone tell me that TD looked
* awful (strange) under kickstart 1.3. It thought it
* it was running under kickstart 2.x, and therefore
* changed its own appearance ! Not only didn't it look
* good - it also didn't work correctly as a trackdisplay
* because of differences between 1.3 and 2.x. Well, all
* that has been fixed now. TD looks a lot better than the
* original 'TrackDisplay' when running under 2.x.
* 08-Aug-91: Now the opened window is as high as the dragbar of
* all the other windows on the WB-screen.
* V2.0 09-Aug-91: Now TD only shows the drives which are available.
* 22-Aug-91: Now TD can perfecty emulate the 2.x way of using
* colors in windows.
OPT O1+ ; Tells when a branch could be optimised to short
OPT i+ ; Tells when '#' is probably missing
incdir "AsmInc:"
include "P.i"
include "Detach.i"
include "relMacros.i"
include "exec/exec_lib.i"
include "exec/memory.i"
include "exec/interrupts.i"
include "exec/ports.i"
include "intuition/intuition.i"
include "intuition/intuitionbase.i"
include "intuition/intuition_lib.i"
include "graphics/graphics_lib.i"
include "libraries/dos_lib.i"
include "libraries/dos.i"
include "libraries/dosextens.i"
include "hardware/intbits.i"
include "devices/trackdisk.i"
* My Unit structure
MU_Unit =0 ; Address of drive-unit
MU_Number =4 ; Track number
dcDeclare A4
dcAPtr TDProcess ; This process
dcAPtr WBenchMsg ; Message from Workbench
dcAPtr GraphBase
dcAPtr IntuiBase
dcAPtr DWindow ; APtr to Window
dcAPtr Rp ; APtr to RastPort
dcAPtr Up ; APtr to UserPort
dcAPtr Font ; APtr to Topaz-80
dcWord StrLength
dcArea IOExtTD,IOTD_SIZE ; IOExtTD structure
dcArea TDPort,MP_SIZE ; MessagePort structure
dcArea TDInterrupt,IS_SIZE ; Interrupt structure
dcArea Drive0,MU_SIZE
dcArea Drive1,MU_SIZE
dcArea Drive2,MU_SIZE
dcArea Drive3,MU_SIZE
dcWord yPos ; y-position of text in window
dcWord Height ; Height of window
dcWord xPos ; x-position of text in window
dcWord Width ; Width of window
dcWord UOffset ; Offset into unit structure (to get to track indicator)
dcWord Version ; Kickstart version ID
dcArea TDDrives,32 ; Yes, 32.
Start DetachSingle <'TD'>,4000,0
dcAlloc ; Allocate memory for variables
dcReset ; Clear the memory
lea TxtAttr(PC),A0 ; To avoid reloc32 hunks
lea FontName(PC),A1
move.l A1,(A0)
Prepare Exec_Call
lea Settings1.3H(PC),A0
cmp.w #34,LIB_VERSION(A6)
ble.S 1$
lea Settings2.0H(PC),A0
1$ movem.l (A0),D0-D1
movem.l D0-D1,Version(DB) ; Initialize variables
suba.l A1,A1
CallLib FindTask ; Find us
move.l D0,TDProcess(DB)
move.l D0,A2
tst.l pr_CLI(A2)
bne.S GetLibs ; Also works after segment-splitting
lea pr_MsgPort(A2),A0
CallLib WaitPort ; wait for a message
lea pr_MsgPort(A2),A0
CallLib GetMsg ; then get it
move.l D0,WBenchMsg(DB) ; save it for later reply
GetLibs lea GfxName(PC),A1
CallLib OldOpenLibrary
move.l D0,GraphBase(DB)
beq Error
lea IntuiName(PC),A1
CallLib OldOpenLibrary
move.l D0,IntuiBase(DB)
beq Error
GetIOExtTD moveq #-1,D0
CallLib AllocSignal
cmpi.b #-1,D0
beq Error
lea TDPort(DB),A0
clr.b MP+LN_PRI(A0) ; MsgPort->mp_Node.ln_Pri =Pri
move.b #NT_MSGPORT,MP+LN_TYPE(A0) ; MsgPort->mp_Node.ln_Type=NT_MSGPORT
move.b #PA_SIGNAL,MP_FLAGS(A0) ; MsgPort->mp_Flags =PA_SIGNAL
move.b D0,MP_SIGBIT(A0) ; MsgPort->mp_SigBit =MPSigBit
lea TDPort(DB),A1
move.l TDProcess(DB),MP_SIGTASK(A1) ; MsgPort->mp_SigTask =FindTask(0)
CallLib AddPort
lea IOExtTD(DB),A1
move.b #NT_MESSAGE,IO+MN+LN_TYPE(A1) ; IOExtTD->io_Message.mn_Node.ln_Type=NT_MESSAGE
clr.b IO+MN+LN_PRI(A1) ; IOExtTD->io_Message.mn_Node.ln_Pri =0
lea TDPort(DB),A0
move.l A0,IO+MN_REPLYPORT(A1) ; IOExtTD->io_Message.mn_ReplyPort =Rep
GetUnits lea Drive0(DB),A2 ; See which drives are available
lea TDDrives(DB),A3
moveq #0,D2
moveq #0,D3
1$; clr.l MU_Unit(A2)
not.w MU_Number(A2) ; Was 0, now -1
move.l D2,D0
moveq #0,D1
lea TrackName(PC),A0
lea IOExtTD(DB),A1
CallLib OpenDevice
tst.l D0
bne.S 2$
move.b #'D',(A3)+ ; Create 'DFx: ?? '
move.b #'F',(A3)+
move.b #'0',(A3)
add.b D2,(A3)+
move.b #':',(A3)+
move.b #' ',(A3)+
addq.l #2,A3
move.b #' ',(A3)+
addq.w #1,D3
lea IOExtTD(DB),A1 ; Oh yeah, drive is available
move.l IO_UNIT(A1),MU_Unit(A2) ; Store address of unit-structure
CallLib CloseDevice ; Close Unit again
2$ subq.l #MU_SIZE,A2
addq.l #1,D2
cmp.w #4,D2
blt.S 1$
move.w D3,D0
mulu #7,D3
subq.w #1,D0
bmi Error
add.w D0,D3
move.w D3,StrLength(DB)
mulu #8,D3
add.w D3,Width(DB)
GetWindow Prepare Intuition_Call
CallLib OpenWorkBench
tst.l D0
beq Error
move.l D0,A1
move.w sc_Width(A1),D0
sub.w Width(DB),D0
lsr.w #1,D0
lea NW(PC),A0
move.w D0,nw_LeftEdge(A0) ; Center the window
moveq #0,D1
move.b sc_BarHeight(A1),D1
tst.w Version(DB)
beq.S 1$
addq.w #1,D1 ; Because of newlook
1$ move.w D1,Height(DB)
subq.w #7,D1
lsr.w #1,D1
addq.w #6,D1
move.w D1,yPos(DB)
move.w Width(DB),nw_Width(A0)
move.w Height(DB),nw_Height(A0)
CallLib OpenWindow
move.l D0,DWindow(DB)
beq Error
move.l D0,A0
move.l wd_RPort(A0),Rp(DB)
move.l wd_UserPort(A0),Up(DB) ; UserPort
move.l DWindow(DB),A0
suba.l A1,A1
lea ScrTitle(PC),A2
CallLib SetWindowTitles
Prepare Gfx_Call
move.l Rp(DB),A2
moveq #0,D0 ; Assume 1.3 colors
moveq #1,D2
tst.w Version(DB)
beq.S 2$
exg D0,D2 ; Well, use 2.0 colors
2$ move.l A2,A1
CallLib SetAPen
move.l A2,A1
move.w D2,D0
CallLib SetBPen
move.l A2,A1
moveq #RP_JAM2,D0
CallLib SetDrMd
lea TxtAttr(PC),A0
CallLib OpenFont
move.l D0,Font(DB)
beq.S Error
move.l D0,A0
move.l A2,A1
CallLib SetFont
SetInterrupt Prepare Exec_Call
lea TDInterrupt(DB),A1 ; Start vertical-blanking interrupt-server
move.b #NT_INTERRUPT,LN_TYPE(A1) ; TDInterrupt->is_Node.ln_Type=NT_INTERRUPT
lea TDIntName(PC),A0
move.l A0,LN_NAME(A1) ; TDInterrupt->is_Node.ln_Name=TDIntName
lea TDIntServer(PC),A0
move.l A0,IS_CODE(A1) ; TDInterrupt->is_Code =TDIntServer
move.l DB,IS_DATA(A1) ; TDInterrupt->is_Data =DB
moveq #INTB_VERTB,D0
CallLib AddIntServer
bra Main
FreeInterrupt Prepare Exec_Call
lea TDInterrupt(DB),A1
tst.l IS_CODE(A1) ; If this is set then server has been added
beq.S FreeFont
moveq #INTB_VERTB,D0
CallLib RemIntServer
FreeFont Prepare Gfx_Call
move.l Font(DB),D0
beq.S FreeWindow
move.l D0,A1
CallLib CloseFont
FreeWindow Prepare Intuition_Call
move.l DWindow(DB),D0
beq.S FreePort
move.l D0,A0
CallLib CloseWindow
FreePort Prepare Exec_Call
lea TDPort(DB),A2
tst.b MP_SIGBIT(A2) ; If we have bit we also have port
beq.S FreeIntui
move.l A2,A1
CallLib RemPort
moveq #0,D0
move.b MP_SIGBIT(A2),D0
CallLib FreeSignal
FreeIntui move.l IntuiBase(DB),D0
beq.S FreeGfx
move.l D0,A1
CallLib CloseLibrary
FreeGfx move.l GraphBase(DB),D0
beq.S ReplyWB
move.l D0,A1
CallLib CloseLibrary
ReplyWB move.l WBenchMsg(DB),D2
beq.S AllDone
CallLib Forbid
move.l D2,A1
CallLib ReplyMsg ; Reply WBenchMessage if we are started from WB
AllDone dcFree
moveq #0,D0
EventLoop move.l Up(DB),A0
moveq #0,D0
moveq #0,D1
move.b MP_SIGBIT(A0),D1
bset D1,D0
Prepare Exec_Call
CallLib Wait
beq.S GetNextMsg
lea TDDrives+5(DB),A1
lea Drive0(DB),A0
moveq #'0',D2
moveq #0,D1
1$ move.w MU_Number(A0),D0
bmi.S 2$
ext.l D0
divu #10,D0
add.w D2,D0
move.b D0,(A1)
swap D0
add.w D2,D0
move.b D0,1(A1)
addq.l #8,A1
2$ subq.l #MU_SIZE,A0
addq.w #1,D1
cmp.w #4,D1
blt.S 1$
Call UpdateDisplay
bra.S EventLoop
GetNextMsg move.l Up(DB),A0
Prepare Exec_Call
CallLib GetMsg
tst.l D0
beq.S EventLoop
move.l D0,A1
move.l im_Class(A1),D2
CallLib ReplyMsg
beq Exit
tst.w Version(DB) ; No need to change color
beq.S 3$ ; under 1.2/1.3
bne.S 1$
Call GetBackColor
move.w D0,D2
Call GetFrontColor
bra.S 2$
bne.S 3$
moveq #0,D2
moveq #1,D0
2$ Prepare Gfx_Call
move.l Rp(DB),A1
CallLib SetAPen
move.w D2,D0
move.l Rp(DB),A1
CallLib SetBPen
3$ Call UpdateDisplay ; Do some refreshing
bra.S GetNextMsg
UpdateDisplay Prepare Gfx_Call
move.l Rp(DB),A1
move.w xPos(DB),D0
move.w yPos(DB),D1
CallLib Move
lea TDDrives(DB),A0
move.l Rp(DB),A1
move.w StrLength(DB),D0
CallLib Text
*»»» Call: A1 = DB
*»»» Inside the server the registers D0-D1/A0-A1/A5-A6 can be used
*»»» without restoring them on exit
TDIntServer Push D2/DB
move.l A1,DB
moveq #0,D2 ; Don't signal
lea Drive3(DB),A0
moveq #3,D1
1$ move.l MU_Unit(A0),D0
beq.S 2$ ; Does drive exist
move.l D0,A1
add.w UOffset(DB),A1
move.w (A1),D0
asr.w #1,D0
cmp.w MU_Number(A0),D0
beq.S 2$
move.w D0,MU_Number(A0)
moveq #1,D2 ; Do signal
2$ addq.l #MU_SIZE,A0
dbf D1,1$
tst.w D2
beq.S 3$
move.l TDProcess(DB),A1
Prepare Exec_Call
CallLib Signal
3$ Pop D2/DB
*»»» These routines return the colors that Kickstart 2.x uses for
*»»» title-text and window-frames in active windows. Perhaps I
*»»» am using system-private values here - I didn't have access
*»»» Kickstart 2.x includes and autodocs when I wrote this.
*»»» Return: D0 = Color used for title-text in active windows.
GetFrontColor moveq #12,D0
bra.S GetColor
*»»» Return: D0 = Color used for window-frames in active windows.
GetBackColor moveq #10,D0
GetColor move.l DWindow(DB),A0
move.l wd_WScreen(A0),A0
move.l $1DE+4(A0),A0
move.w 0(A0,D0.W),D0
GfxName dc.b 'graphics.library',0
IntuiName dc.b 'intuition.library',0
TrackName dc.b 'trackdisk.device',0
TDIntName dc.b 'TD Interrupt',0
ScrTitle dc.b 'TD V2.0 1991 by Preben Nielsen.',0
Kick1 =0
*»»» Defines for hires under kickstart 1.2-1.3 (and below ?)
Offset1.3 =74
Width1.3H =85 ; Gadget size
xPos1.3H =30
Kick2 =1
*»»» Defines for hires under kickstart 2.0 (and up ?)
Offset2.0 =54
Width2.0H =51 ; Gadget size
xPos2.0H =23
Settings1.3H dc.w Kick1,Offset1.3,Width1.3H,xPos1.3H
Settings2.0H dc.w Kick2,Offset2.0,Width2.0H,xPos2.0H
NW dc.w 0,0,0,0
dc.b 0,1
dc.l IDCMP_Flags,Other_Flags
dc.l 0,0,0,0,0
dc.w 0,0,0,0,WBENCHSCREEN
TxtAttr dc.l 0
FontName dc.b 'topaz.font',0